Sunday, February 23, 2020

Assignment #21- Ellis Padgett- School Spirit

I would like to make our school a better place. Not that our school isn't great- it is. But when long winter months seem to drag on, and our days become an endless cycle of monotonous tasks, I think we could use some things to spice it up!
Steps that could be taken may include things like adding more spirit weeks, scattered throughout the year so that they aren't just focused in the football season. With a few spirit week spread apart across the year, the weeks become broken up, instead of the same schedule over and over again. Homecoming is a special week- but maybe that random week in January can be too.
I also think that we could play around with having music at lunch. The cafeteria is crowded and noisy and quite frankly unpleasant. Music could add a nice ambiance, make it feel a little more classy and less like a zoo. It's possible the orchestra could do caroling around Christmas, like the music grams for Valentine's Day. Except it could be free for everyone to enjoy.
Overall, I would like to see improvement in our school atmosphere. Walking through the halls right now is borderline scary, if not just dank and smelly. Little things like adding more art- even if it's just chalk art out on the sidewalk- might make us a little more of a community. We could spread school spirit, and maybe make each day a little different than the last.

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