Thursday, February 13, 2020

Assignment 18- Life- Sam Chavez

In the grand scheme of things, I guess I am pretty young. Though I can't do my own taxes or apply for a loan, I do have lots that I want to do before I can finally get some sleep. 
High School: Before I finish high school and go on to college, I want to be completely happy with myself. While I don't know if this is even possible, I want to get as close as possible. I want to go into college completely non-reliant on the opinion of others and be 100% content with the person that I am naturally.
College: Before leaving college, I want to take a long road trip out west on a "soul revival" type trip. Though I'm not a hippie my any means, I do think that a long trip in an RV or van would be amazing. You know the hippie guy from Cars? Yeah that kind of car, those are cool.
Life: I want to sit on a really tall cliff and dangle my legs off the edge as I look off into the distance. I don't want to fall or anything don't get the wrong idea, but I want to feel on top of the world.

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