Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment #19- Ezra Mulalic- Advice

My father always seems to have some advice to give me no matter the situation I am in. He went through and fought the Yugoslav wars, and came over to America as a refugee. He has had an incredibly tough life, and he is always able to share some of his wisdom to me. One piece of advice he has given me that stuck to me was "find some fun in everything you do." My dad is a person who always tries to find some entertainment he does no matter where. This has stuck to me because I feel that everything needs a little pizazz to it, and boring things shouldn't be kept boring. This has helped me while doing some work or some chores. I rarely find myself bored or have nothing to do, because I always try to find something to do. My father is a great man, and I am really grateful of all the advice he has shared with me.

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