Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment #18 - Buddy Goodwin - Bucket Lists

The number one thing on my bucket list to do before I graduate high school is to beat trinity and St X in lacrosse. Both of these teams are insanely good each year and we usually get spanked by them even though we always go on to win the city championship. One of these years before I graduate I would like to beat them and win the city championship to actually be state champions.

The number one thing on my bucket list to do before I get out of college is to buy a car. In college I hope to work also while I study and hopefully I will make enough to purchase a car. It will most likely be a Honda because they last forever and that way when I get out of college that is one less thing I have to worry about.

The biggest thing I want to do before my life is over is to go on a mission trip. From what I've heard they are amazing experiences and I have been blessed with so much and going on a mission trip would be one way I could give back. I also believe it would give me a better perspective on my life.

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