Friday, February 7, 2020

Assignment 19- Advice- Sneha Amrit

I usually can’t remember advice long enough to follow it, but then one piece of advice that has stuck with me is that “there is enough room for everyone in the world” sometimes I find myself getting competitive unnecessarily. I then think back to this advice and realize that someone else’s success doesn’t take away from my success, and my success does not out do someone else’s success. There is enough opportunity in the world for everyone to be successful in their own way. I think this is very important advice to follow because of how damaging it can be to compare yourself to others. While competition can help you work harder I think it is also important to realize that not everything is a competition. Whenever I find my self comparing myself to others in situations that it doesn’t really matter in I remind myself that everyone can be doing well at the same time and individual success is not contingent on others. When you are able to uplift others often times you end up lifting yourself as well.

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