Sunday, February 9, 2020

#18: Bucket lists - M'Kiyah Baird


  1. Get my driver's license - I think this one is most important to me. It's a start to conquering my fears as well as a little sign of freedom. It helps to have in certain situations in case of emergency. I do have very bad test anxiety so when it comes down to it, getting my driver's license (I already have my permit) would be a great step forward. 
  2. Clean my room
  3. Improve my painting skills
  4. Sell an art piece 


  1. Travel out of the country
  2. Travel to all 50 states
  3. See Newsies 
  4. See Beetlejuice on Broadway
  5. See the Hamilton movie and own the DVD 
  6. Create/paint something I'm proud of
  7. Finish the book I started in 8th grade - This may be the most important thing to do before college ends. Though I might finish it beforehand, I think it's important to have done because it is a significant sign of progress, not only in my writing skills, but in my imagination. The book stems from an idea I had about characters that changed the way I view myself and my surroundings. Finishing the book would mean the start of something new and the beginning of a new chapter. 


  1. Get married
  2. Own a house
  3. Have a cat and/or dog - this is the thing I want to do most before I die. Having a cat or dog is something I've always wanted (I have both currently) and it shows a sign of responsibility. I also just think they're cute. 
  4. Get a job

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