Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment #18- Ezra Mulalic- The bucket list

The number one thing I want to get done before high school. Hmmmm. That is probably going to be able to speak Bosnian fluently. My whole family is from Bosnia, and right now I am able to only say a few phrases and I understand most of what they say to me. At family gatherings, they speak Bosnian, and my parents or some other people will look at me and speak some English so I understand what it happening in the conversation. They all kind of make fun of me not knowing how to speak it. I also want to speak Bosnian with my family in Europe.
The thing I want to do before the end of college is go on a private jet. A private jet is a epitome of coolness. You have your own jet with barely anyone in it, free of all the jammed spaces and snoring people. A private jet ride would be an incredibly cool thing to go on.
The thing I want to do before I die is not something I've thought about a lot. I know we all don't have unlimited time but I still haven't got around to think about what I really want to accomplish. I know I want to make some sort of impact, but I don't know how big of one yet. I guess this bucket list of mine is still incomplete, but hopefully one day I find something I really want to do.

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