Sunday, February 9, 2020

assignment 19 - advice i wish i followed - cole

So, sorry to bury the lede here, but I stuck a paper clip in an outlet a little while ago. I truly have no idea why; it was absurdly stupid; I've apologized to Ms. Gill (who accurately described it as the "dumbest thing she's seen in her thirty years of teaching) about a thousand times; and I will accept any and all revocations of respect that you may have had for me with complete understanding. But, given the repercussions of that act (almost starting a fire, irreparably damaging my reputation among my teachers - all of whom have found out, and giving poor Ms. Gill a warranted conniption), the best advice I received was probably what my parents said to me when I was, I don't know, two or so. Simple, yet profound, they said the following: "don't stick stuff in outlets." I wish I had heeded their advice, but, in light of recent events, I am reminded of their sage words and vow never to disobey them again. For that advice was truly the best I have received.

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