Friday, February 7, 2020

Assignment #19 - eat your veggies - Taylor Galavotti

The one piece of advice I can still remember to this day that I guess I've lived by is don't do drugs, stay in school, and eat your vegetables.

I haven't done drugs for as long as I've been on this Earth unless you count taking one too many ibuprofen than allowed by my mom. I understand the appeal of drugs to "rebellious teenagers" simply because it's a new experience that helps you gain a little bit of perspective, but also that will mess with your brain waves and mine are a little delicate so I don't think I'll be experimenting anytime soon. I mean no disrespect if you smoke a little bit, cos it's not my problem. it's yours. Yes, morphine has always looked cool to me because Sherlock Holmes uses opium but I think that's reminiscent of a  real problem in Hollywood and the media: romanticizing drugs and addiction. It's a real problem to real people, yet author after director after screenwriter write the tragic tale of a man who has too much going on his brain, turns to drugs to make it all calm down, gets unhealthily skinny (but it's fine cos he now fits the beauty standard of being intelligent), and somehow manages to get the girl (literally no idea why) because she's drawn to his intellect or something like that. it's frustrating but back to the actual prompt.

Second part: Stay in school. Funny thing is this year I've not been in school as much as I'm supposed to be, and I've missed more this year than in years passed despite the fact that this is supposed to be the most difficult year of high school. I have too many absences to sign up for EBCE and half of my work at home is assignments I've missed. They tell you to stay in school but also gain experience outside of the classroom. And that's what I'm doing but at the expense of my grades and sleep schedule. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I want to be a part of anything and everything I can do but if I want college scholarships, I have to keep that 4.0. it's a little contradictory but so is just about anything these days. So, I've stayed in school and intend to stay in more school in college but after that i'll keep learning i promise but not in an institution.

Are potatoes vegetables? I think they are but aren't they legumes or something like that? Also why are so many vegetables actually fruits? Who thought that was a good idea? Now, i don't know how to eat my veggies cos i don't know what constitutes a veggie anymore. i can eat my fair share of fruits tho.

i haven't really experienced any pieces of advice that have actually stuck so this is the closest i could come up with.

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