Sunday, February 9, 2020

Assignment 17 - Luke Plummer - GOTG

The two movies that I will be comparing are Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the galaxy volume 2. Obviously these movies had a lot of similarities seeing as they are two parts to a series, but there a range of differences that I, personally was able to notice. Some of those similarities include overarching themes, characters stayed the same, and how these characters acted. Also something that I think makes these movies great are the song choices that the director uses to create specific feelings at times during the movie. The older music is something that you do not normally hear in modern movies, but it is incorporated very well and makes the movie scenes very good. But, in the second movie, I feel like there were more instances where the jokes were forced, and they spent more time being serious. I think the forced comedy was due to the expectation to live up to the success of the first movie. There were various times in the movie where I felt more inclined to cringe rather than to laugh.

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