Thursday, May 21, 2020

Haley Noehren - Assignment #26 - the end

Overall I feel like I was pretty well prepared for the AP test. As much as I dreaded them, I do think doing multiple timed writings helped me get into the grove of what AP was looking for and how to write better. Easing our way into the timed writings helped me get a feel for what I could do to make my writing better and then doing more strict 45 min timed writings toward the end of the year allowed me to implement the things I had learned from earlier timed writings. I liked blog posts cause it was fun to express myself and enjoy writing - but I don't think that it was a major factor in my preparation for the AP exam. (that being said I still enjoyed them). Overall I'd say I was well prepared for the AP exam (my essay was long, per usual, not my best but not my worst).

One thing that I do think could be improved on is maybe a more in-depth explanation of rhetorical strategies. I feel like the ones I pick are always basic and don't have a lot of meaning or importance in the analysis so I think it would help to explore that more in-depth. Oh, and I'm still a bit confused about what SPACE CAT is or does or how to use it.

In summary, I think timed writings worked the best. I can definitely see how my writing has improved and hopefully I did well on the AP exam (although I misspelt my authors name in three different ways. whoops.)

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