Sunday, May 10, 2020

Assignment #24 - Megan Ewing - Well That Was Actually Quite Bad

I always knew this year was gonna be the most stressful of all my high-school years. Everyone warned me, and I thought I understood what that meant. Well, I guess it got a bit worse for me than I thought it would, seeing as all the stress has manifested itself in aspects of my life outside of school.  From the virus that shall not be named to worrying about the safety of my grandparents, who are especially vulnerable and living in communities where social distancing protocol has been largely ignored, this year’s been a bit more than I could really handle. But let’s talk more about what I have some amount of control over. Well, I stopped procrastinating in some subjects, and my ever-present procrastination in English classes has gotten better. I’ve learned that, in some cases, I have crippling perfectionism to the point where my brain shuts down if I don’t think I can perform a task perfectly. I haven’t learned how to get over that, but now that I know that’s what’s been happening, I can work on it. I’ve also learned that I get migraines frequently… for some reason. Haven’t got that one figured out either but the medical community at large really hasn’t figured out migraines either, so I guess that’s okay. What risks did I take? None, because my personality is not taking risks. Biggest success of this year would have to be my 35 on the ACT. Biggest failure: all my presentations. Still working on being able to give a presentation without freaking out for the week before and after that I will or did fail that presentation. Summer plans: none. I always have to stay home to babysit my siblings, and while I was planning on getting a job this year, it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen anymore, so it’s gonna be the same old boring lonely summer for me. For my Senior year, I want to figure out, or at least work on, the issues listed above, and to do that I need to learn how to ask for help when I need it and that doing so doesn’t make me an inconvenience.

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