Friday, May 8, 2020

Haley Noehren - Assignment #24 - The ups and downs of junior year

Junior year has definitely been memorable. There were a lot of ups and down, but for the most part I enjoyed junior year. I will miss sitting in the yellow hallway corridor complaining about anything and everything, and taking the occasional nap. I will miss taking trips to my locker to get food (and visiting the painting of a horse that somehow ended up in it). I can't forget all the long runs with xc, complaining, laughing, and trying to think of an animals name that starts with x. I've made so many new friends and enjoyed this year more than any year before.
When it comes to successes, I finally got my ACT score where I wanted it to be. After much studying and preparation, I managed to not fail AP physics (we'll see about the AP test though). And how could I not mention my only personality trait - running. I would consider XC season a success - we made it to state and I finally ran a 21 min 5K. Track... well that didn't really happen. I did get to run in one indoor meet, which was amazing and awful at the same time, but I really wish I would have been able to have an outdoor season.
Let me tell you, I failed at parking on the hill. The first day I tried, I got there so late that there was only one spot at the very bottom. Then the next day I though I was early, but nope, late again. Oh yeah, I also tried to parallel park on the hill one day cause I was super late and lets just say that didn't end well. And I can't forget the countless apush reading quizzes I failed.
Lesson learned - don't trust leprechauns. That's it.
I spent a good long while trying to think of risks that I took, and I've come to the realization that I don't take many risks. The biggest risk that I could think of was running a half marathon with only 3 weeks training. Some people make impulse purchases, I make impulse running decisions. I just kinda woke up one day and was like, yeah I wanna run 13 miles. Oh and I had it in my mind that I had to run it in under 2 hours. And so it began. After XC ended I gave myself 3 weeks to train, and then I showed up with my dad to run the half. The second I put my foot past the starting line was filled with regret and realization that insanity must be a common trait in my family. To make matters worse, it was raining. And cold. But I did it. 1 hour and 56 minuets later, I crossed the finish line having cried for 7 miles non consecutively (good thing people couldn't tell if it was rain or tears on my face). And now I'm hooked, and will probably do another, this time without crying.
Mistakes made - trusting a leprechaun
So this summer my family was supposed to go to Germany with my dad for a conference, but that obviously got canceled. My summer plans are kinda up in the air right now. I usually am a counselor at my churches summer camp, but that isn't happening anymore. And if UK doesn't open up then my plans of working with my good friend Gerald the glowing mouse won't happen either.
Senior year I want to be amazing. My goal - be happier. Enjoy life, not just getting good grades. And that's about it.

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