Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Assignment #26- Ellis Padgett- Last One

What I found most effective were the practice essays and the book Writing With Style. I even think that book could be incorporated more throughout the year, so that the information it provides is constantly refreshed. As for the essays, I feel that completing them in general was very helpful. They helped me practice timing, and your feedback on the essays helped guide me through my writing.
We spent a lot of time grading essays in class, and while I see the value in that, sometimes I received mixed responses from my peers. For instance, sometimes you would give me a good score and point out areas of my essay that you liked, but my classmates would find fault in those same areas. It felt like mixed messages. 
But what struck me the most about the class was your encouragement of a fun and fluid style of writing. For the first time in my life, taking risks in writing was valued. That made all the difference to me. I finally had a teacher who did not idolize the 5 paragraph essay, and who smiled and laughed at the weird essays. This year, I started writing in my free time again, and I continue to make choices that reflect what I learned in your class. So for that, I thank you. 

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