Saturday, May 30, 2020

Assignment #26 -William Webb

Writing has never been my strong suit so when we had already written a paper after the first week of school I was a little bit nervous for this class but ended up loving it.

One of my favorite things about this class was the speech that we did for our final in first semester. I thought this speech was a great way for us to express ourselves. It gave us an opportunity to talk about something that we found interest in. It also forced people to come out of their shells. Having to stand up in-front of the class and recite a memorized speech was challenging but pushed us in a good way.

Even though we did not end up needing to practice for the multiple choice section of the AP test, I felt that I would not have been prepared for it. During the year I think something we should have done more of was multiple choices practice tests. We focused a lot on writing papers, which was helpful, but splitting up some of the time to practice multiple choice would have made me feel more prepared.

Another thing I would have liked to do more of during the year is more of the small group discussions. When we were in a small group it was easier to get more feedback on the paper. I felt more comfortable talking with a small group of people rather then in large group discussions.

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