Tuesday, May 26, 2020

assignment 26 - year in review - cole knight

So, I'm going to start with the criticisms that I have, which should be pretty brief, and mostly have to do with the multiple choice section of the test. I have no idea how you're supposed to teach the ability to read critically, so maybe taking the "practice makes perfect" approach is the best that can be done, but I do think that the amount of time that was devoted to honing in on the skills taught within the writing portion of the test wasn't exactly proportionate to the time focusing on the multiple choice section.

On the positive side, I genuinely want to say thank you to Mr. Logsdon for making me enjoy writing for the first time since elementary school. It got kind of tiring writing essays every few weeks, but the approach taken to writing in class, which was extremely challenging (not using no-no words), high-stakes (I don't want the class to read my terrible essay), and interesting (finding a new way to twist the prompt into something beyond a 5-point-3). I didn't enter this class liking to write, but I'm leaving with a genuine desire to continue improving my skills, and I think the simple, yet effective approach to this class is the primary reason why.

Finally, I know I was totally insufferable in this class (especially, I hope/think, during first semester), and I want to thank Mr. Logsdon for putting up with my pseudo-intellectual hot takes and not completely losing his mind every time I raised my hand to make some half-baked criticism of a perfectly fine essay.

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