Saturday, May 2, 2020

Assignment #24- Miller Luhan- A Recap

Honestly, besides the obvious Corona conundrum and the loss of my grandmother in December, junior year was a good year for me in terms of personal growth. I avoided drama as much as possible, surrounded myself with people who make me a better academic and athlete, and found my love for fitness. Overall, these growths make me a healthier person both mentally and physically. Also in terms of grades, my goals were achieved (thanks to a physics miracle). One failure this year would definitely be my lack of time dedicated to the teachings I learned at YoungLife camp last summer. By the time that September rolled around I just got so busy with golf seasons and school that I didn't even make it to club (I know, excuses are easy to make, but it's the truth). These actions carried all the way through to January because of family stuff. Now, while I see this as a failure to strengthen my connection with God and my YoungLife friends, I also see it as an opportunity for change and growth. In terms of sports, golf this year had its hiccups... meaning I didn't make it to state because of my not so hot performance at regionals, however, I did have my lowest round ever during regular season. Golf is a very day-to-day sport; your swing changes depend on your attitude, how much sleep you get, your nerves, and your focus, so I don't really look back on the season and think of it as a failure- even though some aspects could have been improved.

As for lesson learned, I would say I learned a lot in terms of relationships (even though I can't recall being in anything official because there are a lot of steps to actually being someone's girlfriend nowadays), but I did learn from my friend's experiences and grow through her mistakes. I can't pinpoint any specific "risks" taken, I mean there are the illegal ones that I dare not say, but I can say that my parents should drive me home after parties. On the other hand though, I think there is an argument that everything you do is a risk. Every time you wake up in the morning and walk out into the real world, there is a risk being taken in terms of health, safety, and wellbeing (highlighted by the virus)- the key thing in my opinion is to approach each of these risks and opportunities with and open heart and mind- and then learn from the unsuccessful attempts.

This summer... oohhhhh this summer... will be a whole lot different than I had originally expected (obviously this will be the same case for a majority of people), but in a way, the seclusion to home will help me stay motivated and complete those college essays and improve my golf game to a decent point. Overall, as I look back on my junior year I see fun and opportunity. For senior year I hope to continue this path and make the most of what we as a class are given because of the circumstances. Cheers to a good summer and and even better senior year!

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