Sunday, May 10, 2020

Assignment #24 - Wes Davis - Whew, girl...

Junior year hasn't been easy. This has definitely been the hardest year of my life and while I'm grateful for being pushed and growing as an individual, it shouldn't have been as hard as it was. I am at fault for that, however I know that we can only really go up from here! If I'm being completely honest, I don't remember most that's happened. It's almost as if I have this huge gap in my memory where junior year should be, but it's just blank. I remember only a few moments of the last 10 months. Maybe that's for the better.

Anyway, successes! I found out a couple weeks ago that I was accepted into the GSA class of 2020 for drama! I'm thrilled, but a little bummed that I won't be living on UK's campus for three weeks (we're doing it virtually, lol send a prayer). I've been working towards this for the last three years so for it to have finally come to fruition is great. I also recorded a news segment where I got to perform early in the second semester! That was also a huge win and just a fun experience overall. I've made a lot of strides in my craft and hopefully I can continue to improve. Academically, I'm not the proudest. My grades are okay for the most part, however I'm aware that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so the grades I did get are good enough for me. I had a lot of failures but I blocked most of them out of my memory. The ones I do remember, however, I'd prefer to reflect on by myself (sorry if you were expecting some drama). 

This summer would've been the best one I've ever had. Of course, thanks to Covid-19, plans have been changed. GSA is still in session and I am forever grateful that the administration has decided to continue with the program, instead of canceling it entirely. I'll be surrounded by artists who will uplift and push one another to be the best that they can be in their craft. I'm so ready to be in a community of artists, and can't wait to say that I am a Governor's School for the Arts alumni. 

I need my Senior year to be good. I need it desperately. I'm hoping I can reach some sort of peace within myself. I hope that myself, as well as others that struggled this year, can recover from the previous year. As I said earlier, it only goes up from here! 

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