Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Assignment #26- Sam Chavez- Dang this is the last one?

Reading and writing has NEVER been my strong suite. All skills in the English language skills in the Chavez household were given to my sister, and while it has and will continue to carry her far in life, this subject has always caused me to struggle. 

I will start this with my “criticisms” which there are few of don’t worry. To start, I found the the majority of the vocabulary I haven’t used. Maybe I could be using it more and don’t even know it, but as of right now, it was of little to no use for me personally. Secondly, I find the grading on Socratic Seminars to not encourage thorough responses, but only push for ANY words you can think of just to get your grade. Many times I found that I read the essay and did all of the work, but it just didn’t particularly strike me and therefore left me with little to say about it, this isn’t because I didn’t do the work, just because comprehension for me is hard. So, Socratic Seminars themselves are fine, however the way in which they are graded to be relooked at.

Now don’t take these little criticisms as me saying your class wasn’t effective, because for the first time in way too long, some of these essays I actually enjoyed writing. Most english in high school such far has been very bland and left me with skills I don’t feel that I will use later in life. Your constant encouragement to step outside of our comfort zones while writing the practices actually lead me to enjoy creating pieces of writing and for that, I thank you. Your approach at teaching to the test and not just throwing random reading in our face is EFFECTIVE, and that’s all we as students should ask from a teacher. Overall this year with you wasn’t as bad as I thought, you weren’t just another Literature robot who asked me empty analysis questions, you were a real teacher and a human at all times.

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