Saturday, May 30, 2020

Assignment #24 -William Webb

Junior year has had its ups and downs but has been by far the most eventful year of my life. Even with Covid-19 making life difficult in many ways, I have still received and found new objectives for the future. Allowing for me to pave a path for myself and head down the correct path for the future. Even the hardships such as last years football season I was able to see what I can do and become. I've been able to find and meet new people in a variety of places. Finding myself and what I want to do with my life has been  prevalent piece of this junior year. I've learned how to balance myself and things in my life with ease. So taking into account that Junior year is suppose to be the hardest and most hard to coup with year I have fond that it just has helped me become a stronger and more independent person.

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