Monday, May 18, 2020

Assignment 24: this made me sad :/ - Hannah Qazi

Although the second half of my junior year has most certainly not been pleasant - with plenty of inconveniences that I'd like to forget, the first half definitely makes up for it. I started off this year a little overwhelmed with all the extra work and expectations, but I think I adjusted fairly quickly with the help of friends - both new and old. I surprised myself in many ways though, and I'd like to say I've grown. I took a risk and switched from speech to debate, and although I wasn't as successful as I'd hope to be, I still won best speaker for public forum at my first tournament. I kind of scared myself when I was debating because I actually started to like it. I still made a good amount of mistakes this year, both academically and personally, but I'm not really sad about it and I've come to accept them. I've been trying to manifest my new goals for senior year (which have definitely changed in the past three months) and I think some of them are starting to come true even now. The only good thing this pandemic has given me is more time, and with it I don't feel pressured or anxious anymore. I have space to think and reflect on myself and I think that's my main goal for the rest of 2020. I don't have many expectations for senior year - if we're lucky enough to even have one :( - but I just hope I spend the last moments of high school doing what I enjoy most, with the people I most enjoy.

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