Saturday, November 30, 2019

Blog 13- Overpopulation Solution-Sneha Amrit

Overpopulation has become quite the concern in recent years. The human population has been growing, but the space on earth is not. The solution to this is simple. Every week each country will pick one person in their country to be sent to Mars. This will be perfect because there has been some evidence that life could survive on Mars. With people going to Mars every week overpopulation will eventually not be a problem because all the extra people on earth will have gone to Mars. Soon overpopulation may become Mars’ problem, but that is not an issue because there are still 6 planets left to populate 7 if you include Pluto. Once we have enough people on Mars a lot of the problems associated with overpopulation on earth will be gone like climate change. Less people means less carbon emissions. This is just one example of what a good idea sending to Mars is.

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