Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assignment #12- Emma Shadwick- Respectful Roommate

I am very worried about meeting my roommate once I get to college. I hope she is similar enough to me so that we can be friends, and if we are not similar at all- acquaintances. I plan on being the best roommate I can be in hopes the same treatment is reciprocated. Basically, I am going to keep my side of the room neat and be considerate of my roommate any time I have the opportunity. I want her to know that I am a person who is willing to compromise whenever we have our differences. Also, I would want her to think highly of me as a student-athlete: someone who is goal oriented. I believe that respect must be given in order to be earned and in order to have the best dorm experience, respect is crucial. My daily routine is pretty typical, I don’t see myself spending all that much time in my dorm except to sleep. I imagine I will be taking some pretty rigorous courses and going to practice most days of the week. I prefer to study with friends at coffee places, etc. for a change of scenery. The other thing about me is, I like to go to bed fairly early- around 10:30. Especially on the nights before a test. I truly believe the best thing I can do for myself on those nights is to get a good night's rest. If my roommate is a party person- that is perfectly ok as long as she is considerate of my sleeping habits and tries not to disturb me if she comes in late.

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