Sunday, November 17, 2019

Assignment #11 - Wes Davis - Eclectic Friendships

My peers. Where do I begin? Well, I haven't known these people for a good chunk of my life, like many have. I tested into the Academy during my freshman year, and wasn't enrolled in Academy classes until my sophomore year. I didn't (and still don't) know most of my peers as well as I would like. I would say I'm acquaintances with most of my peers. We know each other, but I don't know the way they used to act in middle school or the things they've liked for years of their lives. I almost feel like they know me but I don't know them. This feeling is one I'm not too happy about. Despite this, I've made some great friends! In fact, I've only just this year come to be friends with the two very different people sitting on the left and right sides of me. 

A head-strong girl with blonde hair sits to my left. Her name is Megan Ewing. I find it funny that I never made the connection that I was friends with her sister until she mentioned her sister. I think her intelligence and good-hearted nature may be something that runs in the family! She's honestly up there with some of the smartest people I've ever met. The notion that she's good at physics at enjoys it (What?! I wish.) already both intimidates me and inspires me. She's the kind of person I wouldn't expect to have been given the privilege to meet, and yet, here we are. :)

A clown sits to my right. His name is Sam Chavez. Of course, I'm only kidding, but I would be lying if I said he wasn't a spot-on embodiment of a "class clown" from time to time. Don't get this twisted though, it's not a bad thing! In fact, I typically find his presence really enjoyable. His antics in precal at 9:45 AM may be one of the few things that get me through that class. Answer this honestly. Which would you rather do: A) find the tangent of 270 degrees or A) debate the notion that a room gets smaller with every new coat of paint. Sam is someone who I believe is smarter than other people think, he just has a sense of humor. He's definitely made my junior year much more enjoyable. :)

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