Sunday, November 10, 2019

Assignment #11- Haley Noehren- Hello Neighbor!

My table partner to my left is Ellis, whom I have known since Middle School at Tate's Creek. While we didn't know each other much in 6th grade, we really got to know each other in 7th grade. Through crazy middle school boy drama and science teachers who taught through youtube videos, we formed a great friendship. Freshman and Sophomore year Ellis and I didn't have many classes together, so we didn't get to talk much. Now that we sit next to each other, I've really gotten to know her even more than I did in middle school. 
To start, Ellis does not give herself enough credit. She is an amazing writer who blows me away with her creativity and different perspectives. Upon reading her essay in class, she slouched down in her seat and repeatedly told me how awful her paper was. The funny thing is, her essay wasn't awful at all! Ellis is also super hardworking and has aced every vocab quiz we have taken. She's also super patient when listening to me complain about anything and everything, and puts up with the sarcastic comments I make under my breath occasionally. 
Besides being super smart, patient, and hardworking, Ellis is also super funny! She is able to make me laugh almost every day with a small joke or a funny story. Speaking of stories, Ellis also killed it in her performance at the school play Ghost Stories! She is an amazing actor, and I absolutely love seeing her preform!
If Ellis was an animal, I think she would have to be a dog. She's smart and energetic, but also very caring and sweet. Plus she also has a really cute dog, so it seems fitting. 

My table partner to my left is Ezra. I met Ezra my freshman year in Ap gov. We sat next to each other for the first few weeks, and I can remember col. Brown forcing us to do a get to know you exercise. Ezra and I have had history class together every year, and if there is one thing that I have learned, it is that he can give a killer shark tank presentation. Ezra is also a very dedicated and enthusiastic member of the Henry Clay Ultimate frisbee team. 
One memory from class this year, was before one of the vocab quizzes. I was silently flipping through my vocab cards, attempting to cram some more words in before the quiz, when I saw Ezra staring at the cards. I looked up and he asked "would you mind saying those out loud?", so I did. It turned out that I was studying the words too fast, so I gave up and split my voacb cards with him. Now, before every quiz, it has become a tradition that I give half of my vocab cards too Ezra to study with. 
I don't know what animal Ezra would be, but nonetheless I've enjoyed sitting next to him and getting to know him!

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