Saturday, November 9, 2019

Assignment #11- Emma Shadwick-Last Name Buddy

I sit next to Emmanuel Wirtschafter Sippy in AP Lang. I know a lot about her, since we have been good friends since freshman year. Our first encounter was at Academy orientation the summer going into freshman year. I was one of the five kids from my middle school in the academy and one of the two girls, the other being my twin. Basically, I was desperate to meet people and Emmy was very outgoing. I remember complimenting her necklace, which had a scripture on it. We had a couple classes together that year and oddly enough, sat by each other in those too. We like to joke that we are last name buddies. As I got to know her better and better I realized that Emmy has very diverse interests. She is a devout vegan and takes her veganism very seriously. She and her family are Jewish and her dad is a rabbi, however Emmy has her own unique views on religion. Her middle name is her dads last name because she, her brother and dad took her moms last name. She has great style and is one of the few people I know who is confident enough to wear heels to school. Hoops are her favorite accessory. Personality-wise, Emmy is very true to herself and isn’t afraid to speak up for what she believes in (usually politics) and I admire that. She is also kind and genuine and whenever she asks me how my weekend was I know she genuinely wants to know the answer. Last, Emmy is relatable and always lifting other people up. I am glad to have met her and call her a great friend of mine.

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