Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assignment #10- Miller Luhan- Use the Crosswalk

As discussed in a previous blog post, the thing that scares me most is living with out my loved ones, BUT in the spirit of Halloween season, I think it most appropriate to name something a little more conceptual like ghosts and goblins...
In reality though, I don't believe in that stuff, SO my biggest fear during the Halloween season is accidentally hitting a little kid with my car because they are unaware that a large motorized vehicle is approaching them. I keep my eyes out, obviously, but sometimes these children do not pay attention- they run excitedly from house to house for a piece of sugar coated candy.
This scares me most because of an encounter I had in the Whole Foods parking lot this summer. At the time I still had my driver's permit- the awkward phase where you still have to ride around with your parents- and a woman stepped out of nowhere, at least from my perspective since she was in my blindspot. I was driving no more than 5 miles per hour and she decided to yell at me because she stepped directly in front of me instead of making a larger radius around the car. Anyways, whatever, I didn't hit her, everything's good, but it did make my shopping experience awkward because I saw her inside the store. Needless to say, I never want to hit a human being with a car, especially a cute, little trick-or-treater.

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