Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Assignment #14- Emma Shadwick- A Florida Style Thanksgiving

My family Thanksgivings are pretty routine. Everyone comes to my house (and I mean everyone) since we all live in central Kentucky. We eat good food around a big table and laugh and tell stories. One unique characteristic of my Thanksgiving celebration is that I have two meals. One around lunch/midday and another that night. This is because I have to celebrate with both sides of my family- moms and dads. My parents have been divorced since I was in the first grade and I am very accustomed to this. My dads family celebration is a lot quieter- all my cousins are older than me and I only have two aunts. My moms family is a lot bigger. I have two aunts and one uncle on this side. Every year my family gets a little bit bigger, I feel like we always have either a baby on the way or a newborn at every Thanksgiving. One Thanksgiving meal is enough for most people- now imagine two. I don’t eat for a full day afterwards. Not because I feel guilty for eating so much, but because I am coming down from the previous days festivities. Up to date, my most exciting memory of this holiday is this year. We are mixing it up and I am traveling to Orlando, Florida with my moms entire side of the family. Basically all the people that would have been invited to our house on any other routine Thanksgiving. We are all staying in a house on the beach. Our celebration will be catered this year, instead of homemade food. We will also be going to Disney with all my little cousins. I won’t get to celebrate with my dads side of the family, which is sad. However, I am excited to switch it up for a year. 

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