Saturday, November 16, 2019

Assignment #11 - My Deskmates - Taylor Galavotti

I sit next to Lily Gardner and Megan Ewing. To comply with the alphabet, I'll begin with Megan.

Megan. I honestly cannot describe to you how awed I am everyday by her intelligence. She's our generation's Einstein, no doubt about it. I've known Megan since middle school because we were both in the Olympian program at Tates Creek. Granted, we didn't really run in the same circles during middle school, though looking back, I'm not sure why. We both love Harry Potter and we *vibe* together in class. She's an excellent neighbor, not only because she gives me paper but also because she's an amazing gal who has nothing but success ahead of her. OH, I almost forgot color. I would say Hufflepuff yellow because she exemplifies all the traits of true Hufflepuff: kind, loyal, and hard-working.

Lily. To be completely honest, I thought Lily didn't like me freshman year. I don't know why. We had zero classes together but I just didn't think she liked me all that much. But after we got our seating arrangements in AP Lang and AP Physics, we became pretty good friends. Lily astounds me with just about everything she does. I mean, she organized a climate rally for goodness' sake! Her dedication to youth activism and sustainability is an inspiration to me, especially because she looks SO good doing it. Everyday that I've seen her, she has come to school in a "fresh new fit" and looks like a proper businesswoman but also cool but also like she could solve world hunger in two seconds flat. I have no idea how she does; I wear sweatpants three times a week. But back to Lily. If Lily were a color, I would say either a light lavender or a cerulean blue. I'm not quite sure why, those are just the color waves I get.

But those are my deskmates. They're quite awesome if I do say so myself.

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