Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Assignment #14 - Irene Kim - Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was never a huge holiday for me and my family. Christmas, Halloween, New Year's Day--these always involve a great deal of food and preparation, oftentimes a family vacation. Thanksgiving, however, is usually celebrated within my immediate family--me and my parents--and sometimes my friend's family, considering our extended families live outside the country.

Nonetheless, it is always an amazing experience. I always look forward to Thanksgiving Break, since we get five days off of school to spend with our families. I've never gone shopping on Black Friday, but this year, my family and I are all going shopping together for the whole day. On Thanksgiving Day, we have the traditional Thanksgiving turkey (though not this year), mashed potatoes, casseroles, and pumpkin pie. The most meaningful part about Thanksgiving, however, is expressing our gratitudes! Be sure to tell someone in your family why you're grateful for them tomorrow. :)

This year, I am grateful for my parents, my friends, my classmates, and the fact that I am caught up on my blog posts now!

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