Sunday, November 17, 2019

Assignment #12- Miller Luhan- I Am A Fun Teenager With A Mom-Like Personality

I could make a stranger want me by embellishing too much on the good parts of my personality, but I have learned from the movies that embellishments are basically lies. Lies never go well. Plus, I'd rather someone love or pick me for who I am, that being said, this is me...

I go to bed early, if you prefer to stay up late, please do not be loud. I do not sleep in either so say it's a weekend and we go to bed really late... Catch me up by 8:30. 
I like rooms to be neat and tidy. Please start loving picking up after yourself, cleaning, and staying organized. No one wants to see clothes all over the floor!!
I love to workout.
I am an only child. I've learned to share over the years and I am the farthest thing from selfish, but I am stingy when it comes to taking things without asking. 
Please no drama! But I am here to be a shoulder to cry if needed.
I hate when people get crumbs in my bed, so please don't leave them there :)
I eat healthy, please don't bring junk food into my room.
I am a relatively social person- I love parties, but I don't live for them. If that's you I don't think we can get along because it comes to a certain point where I really just want to have a night where I fall asleep watching a movie on my computer. I like to have a quiet space where I can be myself and focus on my studies, while also balancing my social life.

This sounds like a bunch of rules and things that bother me... which it kind of is, but I am not a bitch. I'd say I'm actually a really chill person- I just need my space sometimes and ask for respect- which will give in return.

I love girls nights, rom coms are great but I'm really down for any genre. I celebrate Christmas so when the holidays come around I want to make our room super cute with decorations. I love going to the library to study. FOOTBALL games are a must, please get tickets and go with me to them. YAY!

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