Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assignment #2- Miller Luhan- Words and Pages

During the past twelve months I have read The Hot Zone, The Teenage Brain, and part of A Handmaid's Tale. Overall I enjoyed all of these book tremendously. Now there is not a great amount of books on this list and that is because I do not read that much- a habit I should probably try to break- but as for an excuse I do get busy on a day to day basis and find myself easing into the pits of the couch to watch TV instead of stimulating the brain with words on an actual page, or find myself doing physical activities in lieu of a book. The Hot Zone interested me because I love science and this book goes into depth about the Ebola virus when it had it's first large outbreak. The plot develops through different geographical areas; one of these locations is Reston, Virginia, the site of a study of the virus on monkeys, and the other is in several African regions like Kenya. I also loved The Teenage Brain, which I know was a required reading for this class, but it help me create connections between the real world (events that I observe weekly) and what I learned in AP Psychology last year. My love for the book probably stems from my avid interest in psychology, however I especially loved that I could see- from a parent's perspective- the worries that they have for their teenagers and for what valid reasons. Lastly, as for A Handmaid's Tale, I have really enjoyed the first 5 chapters or so but I have been too busy during golf season to fully dive into the reading. So far I am really enjoying the social issues that the book addresses in a fictional manner, and I'm excited to see what the rest of the book has to say when I finally finish reading it. Now I can't say that I haven't finished them, but the least interesting type of book is one about history. For instance, last year for World History I read The Unwomanly Face of War,  it talked about World War II from the perspectives of hundreds of Russian women. I made it through the book, but it was not interesting to say the least.

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