Sunday, September 8, 2019

assignment #1 - lily gardner: yeehaw

My parents realized too late the irony of my name: Lily Gardner. My biological sense unknown, they had only the knowledge of my unusually large femur bone for an ideas of names. Fred, perhaps? Or was that too old fashioned? Would it seem as though they were following the trend of Harry Potter-esque names prevalent in the early 2000s. 

Overwhelmed with the elation that I imagine accompanies being a parent, I now postulate that they simply went with the first name that popped into their hear - that of my then-recently deceased grandmother, Lillian. Thankfully, they had the good sense to shorten it, the concern of antiquated names leading to possible bullying still at the forefront of their minds. 

I often still wonder why our midwife did not intervene, a family friend, the only clear headed individual in the room (at that moment), but alas, she merely allowed my parents to continue, perhaps chalking the name up to remnants of their early hippie tendencies. 

As a bit of contextual information, I grew up on a farm. My father is a landscape designer. My mother is an avid composter, my grandfather a man of his garden. There was no possibility that the irony of my name would be lost on anyone. And thus, I suppose that my amaranthine internal conflict surrounding a permanent facet of my identity is indicative of my overall personality. 

I am geeked out by good ice breaker questions, for example: if you were an inanimate object, what would you be? I’m still working on that one, however, I do have a photo of a mini squash given to me, and only me, that I view as my personality pic for this fall. And I’m really into this Tiny Desk: Along with all of the others.

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