Sunday, September 1, 2019

Assignment #1- Haley Noehren- Welcome to the Wonderful World of Haley

Hello, I'm Haley!

If you could describe my life in a few words it would be mostly uninteresting with the occasional sprinkle of action. During the school year homework and sports consume my life. So while you'll hear most teens talking about some recent Marvel movie, I just politely remove myself from the conversation because my lack of free-time has led me to never see a Marvel movie. My family and I are very active, all of us are runners and are trying to section-hike the whole Sheltowee Trace Trail (it's a wonderful 323 miles long) by the time I graduate. Right now I hope to attend Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, possibly major in psychology, and someday go into a criminal profiling/detective unit at the FBI. I really enjoy reading and occasionally writing poetry and I am VERY bad at spelling. But that's the interesting side of me, most of the time you can find me complaining about cross country and my lack of sleep or stressing out about junior year.

Junior year can be hectic, so I've heard. Therefore, my goal this year is to stay on-top of all my work and give it my best effort. If I'm going to be honest, I hope to get all A's but who knows what's going to happen now that I have to take AP Physics. Personally, I hope to improve my 5K, 2 mile, mile, and 800 meter times in cross country and track this year. For my 5K I'm hoping to get in the low 22 minutes and shave a couple seconds off my 6:08 minutes mile to reach something in the 5 minute range.

Compared to previous summers, this summer was more laid back, with more small trips rather than one large and long trip. Every year I attend my church youth camp, and this year I had the privilege of being a counselor over the new campers. My family did a lot of backpacking and hiking, in total I think we did around 50-60 miles. For most students, summer is an opportunity to sleep in as late as they want, but for me summer granted me the gift of early morning cross country practice. So while most were sound asleep at seven in the morning, I was out training with my team. I spent two weeks in Florida visiting my grandparents, which resulted in a lot of beach days and many more sunburns. My church youth group also took a trip up to Palmyra, New York for a week, which was really fun. To wrap summer up my family went to an adventure resort in West Virginia to go white water rafting and zip lining. All-in-all my summer was one to remember!  

Below is a picture of the start of a small girls varsity cross country race. It's hard to tell, but Henry Clay is in the middle, wearing black. Cross country season is my favorite time of the year, and I absolutely love running in meets!
Just when you thought the talk of cross country could end, it doesn't. Like mentioned, I don't have much free-time so I also have limited time to spend on the internet. But, come track and cross country  season, I spend significantly more time online looking at meet results and comparing my times from past seasons. Therefore my favorite website is KyMileSplit, the data base where all meet results, videos, and photos are posted. Here's the link:

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