Sunday, September 1, 2019

Assignment #1- Miller Luhan- Story Time

Hi, I'm Miller, and much like my name I am a unique person with different interests and pastimes. Golf become my main source of distraction from everyday life from the time that I started playing at 12 years old. Golf is one of those sports that people tend to think of as "easy", however, I can attest to the fact that it is not. For me, the love of the game is the desire to keep improving because it is easy for many to give up after a bad day. I think that a person's character is achieved through what they do with their failures, not what they do with their successes. Besides golf, I love to exercise on a daily basis and eat healthy- which is derived from my love to cook.
My main goal for this year is to not stress too much about school. People generally say junior year is the hardest, but maybe, just maybe, if you go into it with a positive mindset, it won't be as hard as they say. I am one of those people who can get good grades but do horribly on tests- so one of my priorities consists of raising my ACT score, while also applying for GSP and going on some college visits. As for sports, my goal is to make it to the state golf tournament in October. Right now I am recovering from a back injury that took place in early July, limiting my amount of practice time this summer. With that being said, I am working my tail off for the next 3 weeks in order to prepare for this tournament at regionals.
Summer was AMAZING! My family and I traveled to Costa Rica where I learned to surf and had the ability to develop my limited Spanish skills. My most valued souvenir was a great tan after spending 3 weeks in the blazing sun- in which I will probably regret when I'm older if I develop some sort of skin cancer and wrinkles. The best part about Costa Rica was all the time I was able to spend with my family though, because often I get caught up in school, sports, and social life at home- failing to spend as much time with my parents as I should, so maybe that should be one of my person goals as well.
If I could pick any super power, it would be to read people's minds; now this is different than telepathy- I'm thinking more along the lines of a What Women Want scenario, because I love to help people and console them if they're having a hard time (even if its something they don't want to talk much about) because I like to listen and give advice, but I don't judge or go about talking business to other people.

I like all genres of music- this song just brings back memories from this summer at Younglife Camp

Best show ever:

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