Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assignment #1 Benjamin Webster- What's Up?

I'm Benjamin,

I am one of four brothers, a junior at Henry Clay, a state swimmer for the high school, an avid lover of backpacking and camping, as well as chilling at home watching TV. 

My goals for this year are get a five on the AP French exam, and do well with grades as per usual. I hope to have an awesome season for swimming so I can look into continuing the sport in college. 

Summer Vacation was calm. The most meaningful thing that happened this summer was I life guarded and saved two kids. It really shows how quickly a situation can go to crap. I was proud of how I reacted and hope people can have an experience like that so they can realize how precious life is and how each day deserves to be cherished.

If I ever got superpowers I would hope I would be similar to Spider-man as he was my favorite superhero and idol since I was a small child. Nothing would beat the feeling of swinging across Lexington.

An interesting fact about me is I am adventurous, particularly when it comes to food. Even though my face turns red and I sweat, I enjoy spicy foods. I am also a fan of authentic Chinese food and authentic Mexican food. I do enjoy a good PB&J though.

My swim coach, Dave Little, with my brother and I after we won our summer swim championship.

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