Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Assignment #1- Caroline Blitch- Introduction

Hello, my name is Caroline Blitch. I play lacrosse, horse-back ride, and love going to CycleYou classes. I have two brothers, a sister, two dogs, and a horse. Some of my goals for this year are receiving all As in my classes, passing my four AP exams, and getting a job that I enjoy. The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was probably sprinting in a Dublin train station with six of my friends to make our train back "home" and then having to pile on top of each other on the floor of the train because we were so late. While this may not seem ideal, it was a unique experience that appropriately represents my first trip out of the country. Attached below is a picture from my trip to Ireland. If I could have a superpower, I would want to be able to fly because travel would be so much easier (and better for the environment). My favorite website is Netflix (, because I absolutely love That 70s Show. 

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