Monday, April 6, 2020

Blog post 21- Gifted and talented- Chuck Logsdon

Telling a kid that they are gifted from the third grade is a good way to inflate their ego. That's sort of what happened to me ever since I joined the "gifted and talented" program in third grade. Now I never thought I was the smartest kid ever- joining the program actually showed me how many smarter kids there were than me- but I always felt ahead if the curve. I also never really had to put much effort into school throughout elementary and middle school. This all changed freshman year of high school. I found myself completely unprepared, I rarely did my homework at home and I had genuinely never studied for a test. This was a huge setback for me I had to figure out good schooling habits while watching my GPA fall. I eventually put it together and pull out a solid report card by my standards but I definitely credit the shock in change of difficulty to my current management of school work.

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