Monday, April 6, 2020

Assignment 21-Caroline Blitch- Last Resort is Yoga

I have suffered from migraine headaches for as long as I can remember. I have seen countless neurologists over the past twelve years but have yet to find the magical solution. Drink more water. Eat lots of vegetables and diary. Make sure you keep a regular sleep schedule. Don’t stress out too much. Exercise daily. Don’t eat processed foods. Try the mitochondria diet. Cut out all caffeine. Now that is where I had to draw the line. No way was I giving up coffee or sweet tea. Frustration and self- pity quickly began to consume me after trying so many meds that never seemed to make any difference. This year my migraines have escalated. They are more frequent, last longer, and are more disruptive to my life. I have missed a lot of school because of migraines which only adds to the stress, propelling the endless cycle. I finally realized that there was no quick fix. No magic pill. Thats when I decided to take responsibility for my own health. Little by little I have been changing my diet to be as unprocessed as possible. The hardest loss for me was Nacho Cheese Doritos. I have cut out all fast food (except for Dunkin iced coffees of course). I have even resorted to taking my mom’s yoga classes, something I’ve refused to do for so long despite her constant nagging. The next steps I need to take are establishing a constant sleep schedule and cutting out caffeine. I have already seen an improvement (knock on wood!) but I still have a ways to go and quarantine is definitely not helping my sleep schedule.

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