Sunday, April 5, 2020

assignment 21: emma lauritzen Am I cursed?

A lot of people have bad luck, and I am one of those people. If things can go wrong, THEY WILL, when it comes to me. My parents call it the emma curse. This was really difficult for me to understand growing up and honeslty still is. The following is a list of just some of the incidents:

  • roller coasters breaking down as soon as im on them 
  • kilns exploding with my art in it 
  • flooding of only my room 
  • ovens at restaurants breaking with my food in it 
  • ALWAYS being served last at restaurants 
  • being the only one to get food poisoning from something everyone ate 
  • hotels catching on fire during my speech events 
  • lights and audio going out as soon as im supposed to present 
  • getting 4!!! defective i phones in a row 
  • getting stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel 
  • falling into the lake three different times during camp kayaking 
  • getting stuck in sinking mud four different times 
  • going into anaphylaxis from vaccines 
  • being allergic to random things 
  • being diagnosed with THREE different rare medical conditions that made me the subject of medical research 
  • sharks being present during my first surf lesson
  • and the list goes on 
It all kinda sucks. Ive had to grow accustomed to weird things happening, which means bringing extra glasses because one pair might fall off the roller coaster (I have really bad luck with roller coasters), always having benedril on me, having my doctors on speed dial, and never taking super big risks. If Ive learned anything from all of this, its that I need to be prepared always. Theres no way to make this curse go away, so ive also learned to live with it. 
Its not always awful because now when I go out to dinner, I can make bets with people that I will be the last served, and I always win. I also get to meet really cool doctors whenever something crazy goes wrong. I will also always have cool stories to tell people, which makes any "story time" easy. 
While this might not be the best thing, I can also help others with this. If they have a product, ill find its error so that others dont have to. 
So, I might be cursed but its ok.

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