Sunday, April 5, 2020

Assignment #22 -William Webb

I’ve  been involved in football longer than you can remember. I’ve busted my butt to become as good as I am. Known for my work ethic, consistency and ability to come through in the clutch, I’ve  been the one my team has always been able to depend on in crunch time. I live to practice and perform. I have a passion to compete. 
Then the unthinkable happens. It seems to have slowly snuck up on me. It’s not like there was any major injury or anything. I didn’t really feel anything pull, pop or break. Perhaps it might have been a lot easier and more straightforward to deal with if i had experienced that. No, this was quite a bit more insidious. After a freshman football game I noticed some pain and tenderness in both of my ankles. “No problem,” I thought. I’ve dealt with this stuff before. I try to ignore it and push through the pain. When practice ends my ankles are throbbing. That night, I can barely walk. Although I decided to push through the pain it bit me in the ass. 

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