Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Assignment 22 Sneha Amrit - off to the motherland

Throughout my life my family has taken many trips to India and almost all of them have left quite and impact on me. The last two trips we’ve taken stick out to me the most because both of these times I’ve gotten profusely ill and were both times when it was just me and my parents going and not my sister. I enjoy seeing my family a lot, and it’s not something that I get to do often considering that they all live in India, so when we go we have to make sure to hit all the pitstops. Going to India helps me adapt because none of my extended family speaks English so I have to brush up on my rusty Oriya quick. Usually at the start of the trip things are rough, but by the end I’m able to talk to everyone. My past two trips however have made me swear off going to India for the time being. Both times I got so sick that  I was just throwing up for a week and couldn’t eat. The first time I was so sick that we almost didn’t get let back into the states. Getting this sick twice has made me more grateful for when I’m healthy, and has made me more grateful for the good things in life in general.

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