Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Assignment 21: Tree:1 Sam:0. - Sam Chavez

My entire childhood was enveloped by baseball. I was always at practices and games from the time I was 3, and to be honest, I wasn't that bad. Rising T-Ball star Sam Chavez, #3 was sure to make it to the big leagues right? Wrong. During a summer game in 2006, my little baseball career was going to be put on halt. While running as fast as my little 4 year old legs could carry me, I tripped on first base while my foot was bent in the wrong direction. I started crying, as one does, and was taken off the field to my parents. That day we went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay. They took X-rays, and everything was just fine they said. Go back and play some more baseball they said. It'll be fun, they said. So, after 3 more days of me consistently telling my mom how bad it hurt, she assured me I would be fine and told me to get ready for my next game. So I did and I played, hobbling everywhere I went. When she realized that even ice cream wouldn't get me to stop fussing, she figured we ought to go back to the doctor. They took more x-rays and what do u know?? My foot was fractured. Never would've seen that coming. They told me I'd be out of the game for at least 4 months. Little Sam was NOT okay with that. I did everything I could to get back on the diamond as fast as possible; I did my physical therapy and wore that bright orange cast like a champ. They said that my foot wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure of baseball and it wasn't a good idea to return to playing even after my 4 month recovery. But as soon as fall ball came to town and I was out of my cast, I was right back at it, and I never had any problems with it again. Though by baseball career wouldn't last forever or make me millions in the MLB, it did show that persistence overcomes negativity. I couldve sat there like a normal 4 year old and watched Elmo all day (I kinda did) but instead I worked to get back on the field as soon as I could. So no more broken bones would get little Sam down and out ever again.

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