Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Assignment 21 Sneha Amrit - I’m over this coronacation

I’m writing this blog late while we are all on coronacation, and a problem I’d like to solve right now is coronavirus. Why I want to solve it is both selfish and not selfish. On a selfish note, I’m really bored and this social distancing thing is not leaving me with many options for entertainment. Everything is also closed, which makes sense for public health reasons, but still limits my entertainment options. On a not selfish note the CDC has labeled this as a pandemic and as seen in Italy if corona is not curbed soon in the United States it is very possible that the United States healthcare will be overwhelmed like Italy’s was. Steps that we could all take is staying home when possible and engaging in social distancing when out. Hopefully scientists will be able to find a way for there to be affordable mass testing for the virus, so that we know who and how many are infected. Ideally a vaccine will be found and made available to the public.

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