Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Assignment 20 Sneha Amrit- How to Braid Your Hair

How to braid your hair

I find that when my hair is braided it is it’s most functional. It’s out of my face and stays put. I recommend braiding your hair to anyone who often finds their hair inhibiting their activities.

I enjoy braiding my hair, but in the process it can kind of be confusing.

1- part your hair in the middle and have two hair ties.
2-divide your hair into 2 sections.
3- Tie one of the sections up.
4- with the section that you did not tie up divide it into three sections.
5- take one of the sections that is on the side of the three sections and bring it UNDER the middle section.
6- now take the section of hair that is on the opposite side of the section that you just moved and bring it UNDER the new middle section.
7- repeat step 5-6 until you reach the bottom of your hair.
8- once you reach the end of your hair with a hair tie.
9- untie the half of your hair you set aside.
10- repeat steps 4-8 on the new side of your hair.

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