Monday, January 20, 2020

Assignment #19 - Wes Davis - Lessons from Dr. Seuss

Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind - Dr. Seuss

This quote has been a mantra for me for the last almost eight years. Every time a person close to me has made me question our relationship, this quote has been one I have always turned back to. It has taught me many things about people and the world around me. 

1) You aren't responsible for the way others feel about your actions. There is no need to worry about what someone might think. Do what is best for you. They don't control your life (or rather, they shouldn't), you do. If they mind, they don't matter.

2) You don't owe anyone anything. Once again, you don't need to govern yourself off of the views of others. You don't need to act a certain way to please people in your life that are causing you harm, no matter how close you are, or if you happen to be related. This part most closely pertains to the being related notion. Your family has no right to police the person you are meant to be. You don't owe them silence, you don't owe them submission. They don't control you. If they mind, they don't matter.

3) Surround yourself with your chosen family. Fill your life with love and support. If your chosen family includes your biological family, great! If your chosen family doesn't include your biological family, that's also okay! Just because they are biologically related to you doesn't mean they're family. Don't settle for anything less than amazing in terms of the relationships you form with others. They need to have your back and support who you are as a person. If they matter, they don't mind. :)

1 comment:

  1. #2 i'd disagree with in that I believe we do owe people kindness, gentleness, patience, and love. I'm not always good at it, but I'd argue that we owe people that.


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