Sunday, January 26, 2020

Assignment #19- Ellis Padgett- I sound like a pacifist

A piece of advice that I love to stick by is one I received from my mother- if someone says something you don't agree with, just say "okay" and move on. Now obviously this doesn't mean never stand up for yourself or what you believe in. I take it more as this; if you're in a social situation where you disagree with someone and you have no chance or changing their mind, or saying something would only instigate an unproductive argument, then just divert the conversation as to avoid unnecessary conflict. Doing this at the right times can lessen social tensions, or give you knowledge as to who you should avoid without creating superfluous dissonance in your life. Simple conversations about your beliefs with friends and such are fine; I only use this piece of advice when those talks escalate and leave both parties unhappy. It's kind of like this- if you feel yourself getting genuinely upset, walk away!

Another piece of advice that I really think is worth noting is this: if someone is talking negatively about a person, mention something you like about them. It's a really simple strategy that's not as blunt as "hey, you're being mean." Whenever I do this, the other person is more likely to back off and really recognize that what they're saying is rude. We're in high school, and people talk crap about each other. But at the end of the day we're all human, and there will be people we like and dislike, so it is better to just avoid them instead of being mean. And every time I interject when someone is speaking negatively of someone, I realize that the nice thing I say about them really is true, and it actually makes me appreciate them more. 

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