Monday, January 20, 2020

Assignment #19- Miller Luhan- Somehow My Mom Is Brillian

Okay, this might just be because I'm an only child, but my bet is that most kids go through this phase when... tantrums are thrown if something doesn't go your way when you want it to. When I was little I remember being mad at my mom for the smallest things- whether it being not responding RIGHT then when I asked her a question because she was working on a time sheet for work, telling her that she is chewing too loud when her mouth is closed (even though it didn't sound like lettuce, it sounded like rocks), not letting me do something I REALLY wanted to do (even though now I can't even remember what that specific occasion was), or just simply being present- you know how that is- sometimes you just don't wanna be around anyone in general. My parents never put up with tis behavior though...

There is this cliche phrase my dad always told me when these outbreaks occurred, "Don't let the little things bother you."

Now, I'm not writing this to tell you that the cliched advise helped me solve all of my problems, plus it's easier said than done, but what it did do, is help me reflect on what I should truly pick a fight with, get annoyed at, or react to. So now I count to 10 and ask myself is it worth it? Do I really need to waste energy worrying, stressing, yelling, or crying over this person or idea? The answer is more often than not NO.

Do you know why? I set my goals, if it doesn't affect my future (school, friends, family, nutrition, fitness, or sleeping), I don't worry about it- even if its something as big as a breakup. There's always a bright side for me- for instance, was that person taking time away from school, exercise, family, or friends? Where could I put my energy into that helps me grow better as a person?  Not that anything closely related to this is easy, but the advice my dad told me, helps me prioritize and compartmentalize my overall attitude towards a situation, and usually it works out for the better.. those simple words definitely did offer something!

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