Monday, January 6, 2020

Assignment 17- Emma Lauritzen "Lady Bird, is that your given name?"

Lady Bird (2017)★★★★★

While I never ventured to the movie theater to see Lady Bird it did come across my path while sitting on my couch at home. Saoirse Ronan is a phenomenal actress who I believe portrayed the character of Christine "Lady Bird" perfectly. My life contrasts from Lady Bird like day and night, but Ronans portrayal left me in tears and with my mouth hitting the floor at many points in the movie. Greta Gerwigs directing and writing is heart felt and powerful, allowing the watcher to be fully immersed into the world of a teenager struggling with herself and her place in the world. This movie has now been added to my list of all time favorites. Not only was the acting and writing amazing, but the camera choices truly pushed the story forward in a positive direction.
The story line, I felt, was perfect for this day and age and spread a positive coming of age story. I hope that this movie becomes a classic and reaches audiences for years to come. Overall I believe that this was a fantastic movie!

My Review: 

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