Tuesday, June 9, 2020

assingment #26 - yearlong review - Buddy Goodwin

Overall I think that the blog posts were very effective this year because they weren't super large assignments that take forever so they weren't huge stressors that loomed over you every day that you hadn't done it but it also was very good at keeping us writing and practicing getting our thoughts organized on paper. It also helped me become more interested in writing during my free time because each time I wrote a blog post I realized even more how much fun writing can be.

One piece of advice I would have for the future is that whenever the class is discussing essays I would maybe try incorporating a fun random way to chose people to talk so that everyone is "forced" to talk about the essays so that one, cole and emma aren't the only ones talking on each essay and two, it would keep everyone engaged and force those who might have good ideas but are a little shy.

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